What is Tamil Singles?

Tamil Singles is a dating platform designed specifically for Tamil singles to find meaningful relationships and celebrate Tamil culture.

Is Tamil Singles accessible to all Tamils?

Yes, Tamil Singles is open to all Tamils, regardless of where they live, their language or their background.

How do I sign up for Tamil Singles?

To sign up to Tamil Singles, simply visit the website www.tamilsingles.online and follow the instructions to register. It\'s quick, easy and free!

How can I register on Tamilsingles.online?

Registering on Tamilsingles.online is simple and straightforward. Click on the \"Register\" button on our homepage and fill out the registration form. Provide your valid email address and create a secure password to create your account.

Is uploading a profile picture mandatory during registration?

No, a profile picture is not required for registration. An email confirmation is sufficient to get started on Tamilsingles.online.

How is my country automatically detected and displayed?

During registration, your country is automatically determined based on your IP address and displayed on your profile. This makes it easier for you to connect with like-minded individuals from your region.

How can I increase my authenticity?

You can enhance your authenticity in two ways. The first option is SMS verification under \"Settings -> Authentication,\" where your country will be automatically detected based on the country code of your phone number. The second option is to upload at least three pictures of yourself. Our TamilSingles team will review and approve these pictures if they comply with our guidelines. Once three pictures are approved, a blue symbol will be displayed on your profile picture.

Why is authentication recommended?

Authentication boosts credibility and trust within our community. It helps ensure that all members in our network are genuinely from the specified countries, allowing you to make authentic and reliable connections that meet your expectations.

Is my security ensured?

Absolutely, your safety and trust are our top priorities. By implementing verification, we aim to provide you with an even better and more secure dating experience on Tamilsingles.online.

Is Tamil Singles safe?

Yes, at Tamil Singles we place great emphasis on security. We implement strict security measures to protect your personal information and ensure a safe online dating experience.

Can I control my privacy settings?

Yes, at Tamil Singles you have full control over your personal information. You can adjust your privacy settings and decide what information you want to share.

Does Tamil Singles offer help and support in finding a partner?

Yes, we are here to help you! Tamil Singles offers useful dating and relationship tips on our blog. We are also here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Is there a matching option on Tamil Singles?

Yes, Tamil Singles has advanced search and matching features to help you find potential partners who match your preferences and interests.

Can I use Tamil Singles for free?

Yes, the basic features of Tamil Singles are free. However, there are premium features and memberships that offer additional benefits.

How can I optimise my profile on Tamil Singles?

To optimise your profile on Tamil Singles, add detailed information about yourself, upload appealing photos and describe your interests and preferences. This will help others to get to know you better.

How can I contact Tamil Singles if I have further questions?

You can contact us via the contact form on our website. We will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

How do I reset my password on Tamil Singles?

If you have forgotten your password, you can click on \"Forgot your password?\" on the login page and follow the password recovery instructions.

Is there an age limit for using Tamil Singles?

Yes, to use Tamil Singles you must be at least 18 years of age.

How can I edit or delete my profile on Tamil Singles?

To edit or delete your profile, simply log in to your account and go to the settings. There you will find options to customise your profile or permanently delete your account.

How do you protect Tamil singles from scams or fake profiles?

We work hard to counteract scams and fake profiles. Our platform includes measures such as checking profiles and allowing users to report suspicious users. We also ask our members to be vigilant and report suspicious activity.

Can I customise my search criteria to filter by certain characteristics or interests?

Yes, Tamil Singles allows you to customise your search criteria to filter by specific characteristics such as age, location or interests to find matching profiles.

How can I send feedback or suggestions to Tamil Singles to improve the platform?

We really appreciate your feedback and suggestions! You can reach us via the contact form on our website or send us an email. We take all feedback seriously and use it to continuously improve our platform.